Welcome to Honeycomb Homes:
A MudWorks Initiative by Autumn Flower Randolph

The first Honeycomb Home is complete! This hexagonal earthen dwelling is made from reclaimed shipping pallets—filled with straw for insulation, and covered with an earthen plaster.
Utilizing abundant and natural materials and incorporating a living roof and earthen floor lead to sustainable, efficient, and healthy homes.
Autumn Flower's vision is to bring this creative and earth-based design to ecovillages and communities as a way to connect with nature and provide affordable housing.
Based in San Diego.

What's the Buzz?
Why Honeycomb?

The Hexagon is one of Nature's Favorite Shapes
From honeycombs to turtle shells to lava stones, hexagons are found all over the natural world.
Because of the way they can lock into a grid, they are an incredibly efficient shape. And at 120°, they have the mechanically-strongest angles of any polygon.
Rooms that are circular and hexagonal actually feel larger inside than standard rectangular rooms, making the space utilization more efficient.

Inspired by Miguel Elliott of Living Earth Structures
The remarkable Palletable Cobin design by Miguel was the main source of inspiration for Honeycomb Homes.
Miguel's design uses 10 wall panels to create a finished structure that feels nearly circular, whereas Honeycomb Homes use 6 panels to create the distinct hexagonal shape.
This allows for a smaller size option, as well as creating the unique energy of a honeycomb-shaped dwelling.

Autumn Flower Randolph (she/her)
Founder of Honeycomb Homes and MudWorks, Autumn Flower is a natural building artisan based in California. She is passionate about integrating earthen building with creative expression, and sharing the magic of mud with others. Autumn Flower believes that by transforming waste into resource and working with earthen materials, we can co-create a regenerative future for all beings.

Painting by @art.rebeccajane